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Saturday, March 21, 2009

All records sound the same these days......

for anyone who's a really good article about it.

and here's a cool non profit site that supports artists who want a bit more dynamic in their art


Count Natula said...

My theory was subliminal messaging that says "buy it, buy it now" throughout the song. Last year was a god awful year for music! I can't even listen to Kerrang Radio anymore because it's full of all this contrived bullshit. Makes me wonder... (couldn't resist!)

I'm glad it's not a sign of age, I was slightly concerned my hair would go grey and I'd start yelling "get outta my yard!" at the local kids.

Anonymous said...

thanks for that post! the article was interesting even though it's no revelation. i'm excited about how your new record sounds. i hope not as polished as LT ...

shuanghong said...

in this age, i bet a robot would be the best singer in the world.

Annie said...

i know why your tv broke. the nasa channel was too exciting xD your tele couldn't stand it!

Anonymous said...

One of the best articles I've read on this subject. I'm glad I found it here too :)

I'm really looking forward to the new Lostprophets album! Self produced.. Huge volume of work.. all the outside signs are looking good! Hmm, 1TB iPods and tech development will help our fight a little.. Hopefully the loud war will conclude sometime as a new era of high fidelity flourishes. We can all play our parts; I hope to play one too in the near to distant future..

PS. I can still remember the first time I heard Last Train Home. A fan first and foremost, Keep up the good work!