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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm off to Asia now,

Bye bye!
Stay tuned for tour blog, if I can get onto a computer. fun fun fun.


Unknown said...

Have fun catch u soon xxx

nvrgrwoldnvrdie said...

oh cool, dont get arrested again this time, har har lol:D, yes im a cheeky monkey :D


shuanghong said...

HOLY SHIT hell yeah.

there're definitely computers in whatever hotels you'll be staying in in singapore. if just so that hotel totally fails, there are always cybercafes around. or you could use mine. :P

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see you guys in singapore

Anonymous said...

when will u arrive to hk?? can't wait to see u guys ;)

BlackBird said...

WEE!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE COMING TO SINGAPORE! Its damn hot there btw. Wee Wee!! Are you guys used to taking airplanes? Is it fun? Or you're getting sick of it?
I'm sure you guys will rock the show, especially at SingFest in Singapore! I will probably scream my head off there. You guys are performing at Jakarta Jam on 1st Aug rite? But isn't it so terribly exhausting that you have to fly immediately to Singapore to perform on 2nd Aug? Damn,then cannot see you guys at the airport because you guys would reach there like night or midnight.. Well, have a good rest and don't push yourselves too hard!

Anonymous said...

yay, can't wait to see you and the guys in a couple of days in Jakarta! i hope you guys will hang around after the set, so i could drop by and say hi - tho i doubt that i could find a way for that haha

Anonymous said...

lucky for some

we'll just frezze in the UK :(

enjoy whatever your doing, gigs prob ;)

Viki xXx said...

aww have a great time - we will miss you!! lmao

will expect a long blog upon your return to get us back up to speed with the world of LPs ;-)

Carleyyy_* said...

d'awww have fun! (:

shuanghong said...

JAMIE JAMIE JAMIE! you still haven't got internet connection?

just in case you don't remember, i'm the person who passed you sweets in the airport when you guys arrived. and the person who witnessed a certain keyboardist of the band lying on the floor of the airport like a little kid. SMILE!

how's the party in room 605 going? haha.

today's set was awesome. too bad it was so short that you guys couldn't do some new songs as well. and that apparently there were some technical problems with your laptop and keyboards? and i threw another packet of haribo on stage. but i don't know if you received it. :(

oh well. you said that you'll be flying off in TWO days time, and i still don't get it. not that you do either. but i hope you will. :P

oh well good luck in japan. but i'm sure you guys won't need it. and BAD ian for teasing the crowds like that. and remember that ian said you guys will come back. you HAVE TO. we all want to see lots of LPS in the island of singapore!

btw, your all white uniform with your platinum blond hair makes a very interesting contrast with the stage. :)

beccjay said...

hope you had/are having fun playing shows in Asia (depending on when you read this)...when you were in Jakarta you should've got on a boat and come across to visit us in Australia...and then walk across the desert all the way to Melbourne. But you probably wouldn't want to do that becuase it's freezing and raining right now...warm weather would be much nicer. There is really no point to me writing this but oh well...i found out something weird the other day, Agrizoophobia is the fear of wild animals. Who comes up with names for fears? :-)
Hopefully we'll see you at Soundwave 2009!

beccjay said...

why are you apparently not playing at Soundwave in Australia next year??? there are a squatillion people here who want to see you. please do a tour anyway!!!