Yuck..hate waking up. kick start the heart with hotel instant coffee, not ideal but will do

...but where to go next? empty bag, panic, lobby call approaching aarrgh!

Ok, grey Fred perry, nice. do hair. looking good.

grab a few hobnobs for breakfast, always worth having a bedside pack of hobnobs for those midnight emergencies. ha

Hobnobs immediately made me feel fat, had a freak out threw my clothes on the floor in a tantrum and sit and sulk for a bit before starting again. what a big girls blouse eh?

Struggle with my cases and Mikes cases cos last night he jumped in a cab to the airport because his wife went into labor and he unfortunately will miss the shows. gutted but happy for them. how the hell am I gonna carry all this shit downstairs?

Finally, sweating and in the elevator. nobody answered their phone to help me carry the bags...shitty friends!

Bus parked outside hotel. i'm early so i get to choose a decent bunk.

Keith our tour manager and Doof our front of house sound engineer, up early and ready as always.

Upstairs on the Bus, bunkalicious!

Crew guy spread out all over the back lounge, p45 in the post mate

Waiting for Ian. the story of our lives.

Decide to go and pester some of the other guys who were up early and got brekkie. tour manager tells us ian hasn't started to pack yet so i have time for some food....maybe the only food i'll get today so I take advantage of it, also being a Veggie can get tricky sometimes, not always easy to get a meal on tour.

orange juice. Sean my mate grabbed the camera for a bit.

Keith having a yawn and showing early signs of anxiety due to leadsinger syndrome.

full veggie breakfast! mmmmm!

Ian arrives. at last.
Looking sharp, at least the time he put in he came up with the goods. ha

jocko's gone straight to his bunk and asleep, until i blast a flash in his face...what are friends for eh?

do they?

shot of doof hard at work front of house. good perspective.

bit of the new family guy on the laptop. can't beat it. bus is on route to festival.

pick my bunk looks clean enough, no suspicious stains on the walls or ceilings.

climb in for a nap. very comfy for a small guy like me.

Jocko gets up and we have a fight.

stop at the services, to have a wash and a poo. not me of course, I'm like the queen, I don't poo or fart.

Jocko practices hygiene, also washing your hands is way to avoid getting a cold when cramped on a bus with ill people. Doesn't always work though. (irrelevant fact #1)

Take over the services. I guess we don't look like the friendliest bunch of dudes in a big gang like this, but we're all nice enough underneath the tough exterior.


Back on the bus, ians getting ready to do a dj-ing set. Someone gets roped into doing some mc-ing, this is all a little over my head so i stay out of it. "Got my brass knuckles hanging from my neck and my chain"

Planning something, wish he was as enthusiastic about time keeping as he was Dj-ing. haha.

Kitted up for IBIZA.
Whistle posse!

Arrivez, There's the tent from the perspective of a dozing dog

"excuse me, where's the NME/Radio 1 stage?"

Go and see what the inside looks like. Nice, start to get amped to play.

Start the tedious game of waiting to perform, super excited, but got a while before we go on so try and keep busy by practicing my blue steel to calm the nerves.

Catering put on a wicked spread, loads of veggie food too.

Opt for tons of pasta so i can get the energy to go mental tonight.

Boooosch, destroyed it!!!

Dessert!!!! i may be little but i can eat like a champ!

me and stu keep our minds occupied by having a nice quite round of golf, and let the food go down, uuueerrrgh feel sick.

Weather holds, sky look awesome. Bring on the night.

Cuppa tea?

"These Boys are bananas!"- coconut ape

Go and watch the Gallows perform to get amped up, and it definitely works.


Jocko, flash in the face again. sorry bruv

Lee working out bits to fill in for mike not being able to attend. Sure gonna miss having there, but super excited to meet his little girl when I get home.

Moon is out, time to go.

over to the dressing room to warm up and focus

our logo look a different color to everyone elses...that's cool! feeling special!

more food that probably won't get eaten.

festival toilets, this one better than most, but not the sweetest smelling abode.

Man down, Stu representing his boy! respect.

Tonight's set. Let's fricking do this!
No photo's of the show obvs..i was busy.

After the show, pumped, amped was killer! probably got boozed up cos i don't remember the rest. Thanks READING/LEEDS. thanks for having us, thanks to all the people who watched us, thanks for the support and for making it a show to remember. fond memories x out